Saturday, October 18, 2014

Apps for iPads

     Watching the presentation on apps for iPads, it is amazing at how many resources are available to the public just for the iPad. Apps are available in all subject areas off school and can benefit not only students with learning and physical disabilities, but all students in general. I learned that simply introducing students to complete work on an iPad instead of paper and pencil can drastically change the outlook for students. She talked about one student with down syndrome who was eight years old in second grade. The task was writing. The student threw the pencil and paper at her and said "No writing." She then placed an iPad in front of the same student and the student was motivated to write. By simply changing the tool used to complete the assignment, the student was eager to work. 
Writing: Doodle Buddy
Handwriting: Connect the dots
Communication: Model Me Kids, Tap to Talk, Yes/No Program, Proloquo2go, Sign Language
Music: Duck Duck Moose, Wheels on the Bus, Drum Sets
Math Skills: Biggest, Smallest
Games: Body parts, Movement, Shapes
Motor Skills: Hand-Eye Coordination
     The important skills the presenter talked about is for students to learn how to point. The two motions used with pointing are 1.) touch and 2.) sweep. She also discussed about a child she worked with who was two years old. The student had clenched fists and never opened them. She had very limited mobility. When she presented the child with an iPad in front of her and demonstrated how it worked, the student slowly opened her fists and started using the iPad. 
    I feel that the iPad is a wonderful tool. It truly could change the world of an individual. I certainly would be comfortable implementing an iPad for a student who would benefit from its use. I would explore the apps prior to implementing it in use in the classroom. 


  1. I like the Doodle Buddy suggestion. I have that on my iPad and iPhone and my sons have used it since they were two. That means it is very accessible. It has a lot of features like alphabet stickers and great brushes to make writing easy and exciting.

  2. There are so many benefits of using apps for iPads. This video really opened my eyes to how many of them there are. I learned so much from watching this video. My school currently does not have iPads, but if we ever have the opportunity to get them in the future this is a video I would go back to to find apps that work for my students.
