Sunday, October 12, 2014

Assistive Technology Module

     A lot of considerations go into play when considering if a student with disability needs the use of assistive technology. It is important to remember that any student who has an IEP must be considered for the use of AT. With the use of team collaboration, the team decides on one of three options: 1. The student does not need the use of AT 2. The student needs the use of AT 3. The student needs the use of AT, but the team is unable to decide what type of AT until further observation and data collection.

     AT Assessment Process in the School Environment
     Teachers have a big say in the selection process since they know the students strengths and weaknesses across academic subjects. It is important for the IEP team to look at the students needs and strengths/weaknesses before considering specific AT devices. Looking at the features of the device is important to see if it will meet the needs of the student. They also should look for devices that are readily available already in the school or home environment.

     AT Consideration in the IEP Process
     Does the student need assistive technology to meaningfully participate and progress in the general education curriculum? This is a big question that IEP teams will take into consideration. If the student is unable to participate in class or successfully complete assignments, the process of deciding whether a student needs AT can begin. The use of a checkbox can be used to narrow down the specific areas the student may need these devices. When the implementation plan is in place, it is important to train teachers and students, consider the environment the device will be used in, have ongoing evaluation, and what each role of the team members will be.

     Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
     Automatic Speech Recognition devices can be used for students who have difficulty with mechanics of writing, typing, and spelling. These devices will remove that barrier and reduce frustration levels so students can accurately complete assignments. ASR is either free or inexpensive to implement. Many Microsoft and mac computers have applications already built into their devices. Voice Recognition is a computer application that lets people control a computer by using speech. These devices are extremely accurate and very easy to use.

Create your own login and check out this module for yourself!

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