Monday, September 29, 2014

Mouse and Keyboard Alternatives

     Mouse Alternatives
        Trackball                                                                      Joysticks
n-ABLER Pro Trackball                                                 n-ABLER Pro Joystick
Students who: Have a great range of motion     Students who: Need to use switches to click
                             Have poor fine motor skills           Need to use with a body part other than hand
Touch Screens                                                              Head-Pointing Systems                                                    Picture of HeadMaster 2000
Students who: Need to learn cause & effect                Students who: Cannot use hands
                             Need a direct, intuitive interface                                Have excellent head control

Eye-Gaze System

Students who: Cannot use hands or head
                             Can control eye movements & keep head completely still
Alternative Keyboards

Expanded Keyboards                                            Mini Keyboards
Expanded Keyboard                     Solidtek keyboard
Students who: Have poor fine motor control                 Students who: Can use only one hand
                            Need a large target area                                     
Have restricted range of motion 
One-handed Keyboards                              On-Screen Keyboards                                 
Students who: Have good dexterity in one hand      Students who: Cannot use a keyboard
                          Have little or no range of motion          Can control a mouse or mouse emulator

Students who: Have cognitive deficits
                               Need modifications

Additional Resources:

Text Information Resource:
Dell, A. G., Newton, D. A., & Petroff, J. G. (2012). Assistive Technology in the Classroom (Second ed., pp. 175-205). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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