Sunday, September 21, 2014

UDL Resources

     I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about UDL. Some of the resources I viewed were very informative to me. I have provided a list of resources available for people interested in learning about UDL. 

1. CAST Home Page
As I have mentioned in recent posts, the CAST website provides sufficient information on what UDL is and resources to provide present and future educators. Some resources include articles, books, videos, and learning tools. 

2. Technology Toolkit
I found this website to be extremely resourceful for teachers. This site provides FREE resources that can be implemented in any lesson. Resources are provided in math, reading, writing, and speech. There are some great resources that can benefit students learning. 

3. Below is a YouTube video outlining what Universal Design for Learning is. This provides an example of one way to incorporate UDL into my presentation to the viewers of my page. Instead of reading about UDL on the website, you can watch a video outlining the same information, providing multiple means of representation.

I highly recommend checking out this website. More particularly, I would check out the "Case Studies" section. In this section, it provides you examples of three teachers and problems they face in their classroom. In the case study, it provides you with what there lesson was on. It provides highlights of what UDL principles were used and how they were implemented. For myself, it is helpful to see exactly what was done in the classroom setting that met the requirements of these UDL principles. 

This website provides a variety of resources to learn about what UDL is. It provides the guidelines for UDL along with visual organizers and videos on the principles. Below is one of the visual organizers they offer their viewers. 

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

Graphic of the brain with the affective network shown in green
Provide Multiple Means of
Purposeful, motivated learners
Provide options for self-regulation
 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation
+ Facilitate personal coping skills and strategies
+ Develop self-assessment and reflection
Provide options for sustaining effort
and persistance
 Heighten salience of goals and objectives
+ Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge
+ Foster collaboration and community
+ Increase mastery-oriented feedback
Provide options for recruiting interest
 Optimize individual choice and autonomy
+ Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity
+ Minimize threats and distractions
Graphic of the brain with the strategic network shown in purple
Provide Multiple Means of
Resourceful, knowledgeable learners
Provide options for comprehension
 Activate or supply background knowledge
+ Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships
+ Guide information processing, visualization, and manipulation
+ Maximize transfer and generalization
Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
 Clarify vocabulary and symbols
+ Clarify syntax and structure
+ Support decoding text, mathematical notation, and symbols
+ Promote understanding across languages
+ Illustrate through multiple media
Provide options for perception
 Offer ways of customizing the display of information
+ Offer alternatives for auditory information
+ Offer alternatives for visual information
Graphic of the brain with the recognition network shown in blue
Provide Multiple Means of
Action & Expression
Strategic, goal-directed learners
Provide options for executive functions
 Guide appropriate goal-setting
+ Support planning and strategy development
+ Enhance capacity for monitoring progress
Provide options for expression and communication
 Use multiple media for communication
+ Use multiple tools for construction and composition
+ Build influences with graduated levels of support for practice and performance
Provide options for physical action
 Vary the methods for response and navigation
+ Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies
I hope you find these resources helpful and beneficial in learning about UDL! I certainly have furthered my knowledge on what UDL is and how I can implement it in my teaching instruction. 

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