Sunday, September 21, 2014

Implementing UDL with the assistance of a Curriculum Barriers Chart

      The case studies talked about in the previous post showed the teacher in which aspects they are meeting the needs of all students of a UDL classroom and where they could potentially improve on. Places they can improve on may help reduce barriers for their students.

      The cast website provides users another great resource for educators. It is through a template called "curriculum barriers" in which you identify students strengths, weaknesses, and potential barriers provided in the lesson that could lead to missed opportunities for the student. It is helpful to input a students strengths and weaknesses I have taught and to see if there are any barriers included in these academic areas. Below is the example chart of my student.

Materials and MethodsStudent QualitiesPotential Barriers/missed opportunities
Math games using manipulatives  -Difficulty writing numbers correctly past 10 -Difficulty staying focused in small group games -Can count in order starting at 0 Michael needs 1:1 support to sit with him during math games to help stay focused. Also will be disengaged if he does not know how to play the game. 
Leveled reading books -Difficulty sounding out a word he does not know -Uses picture cues often to figure out an unknown word  Difficulty decoding words which may frustrate Michael and comprehension may be difficulty. 
Journal writing  -Difficulty in forming a complete sentence -Difficulty in fine motor skills (handwriting, letters)  Michael needs 1:1 support when completing writing journals as he will scribble over the page and give up if no assistance in helping spell out words.  

     I feel the information provided in a chart format can significantly help the teacher visually see where the student needs extra support. It is especially important to use in a UDL classroom. Finding a specific technology to implement during these academic times may help eliminate some of these barriers. 

     Try  your own curriculum barrier chart today from the CAST website!

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