Friday, September 19, 2014

UDL: Engaging Activities and Case Studies

     The three "multiple means" of UDL include representation, action and expression, and engagement.

     After exploring the CAST website further, I have learned additional information about UDL. Exploring the basics, activities, and case studies sections, it has helped me understand how to better create a UDL learning environment. 

     The basics section provided further information as well as reinforcing previous information learned. I really enjoyed watching the videos. It provided a great example of providing multiple means of representation. Viewers could watch the video, visually see the text the speakers were saying, and music that helped engage the viewer. These are example of accommodations we can provide to meet the needs of all students. I also enjoyed one of the quotes in the Principles of UDL video, stating that "to meet students needs teachers need to customize learning using flexible tools, teaching methods, and assessments" (, 2014).

     The activities section was rather interesting to complete. I found the "how the brain works" activity pretty neat. It put into practice how the recognition, strategic, and affective networks work in your brain. It gave me a better understanding on what parts of our brains process by just using a simple image. 

     The case studies were rather informative because it provided a real life case study of teachers in an educational setting. A lesson on social studies was presented with the UDL highlights the teacher incorporated in the lesson. This was extremely helpful in understanding how to incorporate UDL principles in a lesson. 

For a full look at all activities and case studies, check out their website CAST: Teaching Every Student.


  1. Dan, I also enjoyed the activities. I choose to "Cook an Indian meal", which is something I have no knowledge of! It opened my eyes to how students might feel if they have little confidence or background knowledge.

  2. Jess,
    You're right! It is a great activity to understand how students feel when they are unfamiliar with a given task. That is why it is important for teachers to understand their students strengths and weaknesses to help and push those students for classroom success!

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