Monday, November 3, 2014

Appropriate IEP AT Devices- Communication Boards

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Andy uses a variety of sounds, gestures, signs, and picture/symbols to communicate with his family. He is very social and enjoys parallel play. Andy does not communicate vocally in the classroom, but does use some gestures. At school Andy will sign, but only with prompts.

Annual Goal: Andy will increase expressive language production by using a variety of communication methods in the classroom, including sign language, gestures, communication boards, pictures, and simple voice output devices during four out of five opportunities. 

           With the assistance of a communication board, like the one shown above, Andy will be able to successfully complete his annual goal of increasing expressive language in four out of five opportunities in the classroom. The use of the communication board is simple to use and can be an efficient use of communication. 

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